Previous Conferences

18th ERSCP 2017

The 18th ERSCP conference took place 1-5 October, Skiathos, Greece. The overarching theme was “A GREEner Challenge and Evolution in the Framework of the Circular Economy”. The local organising committee was led by Prof Aravossis Konstantinos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and included Dr Vasalis Kapsalis. Nearly 150 participants contributed to state of the art discussions on SCP Circular Economy, Sustainable Lifestyle practices, waste management, sustainable and circular business models, and design for sustainability and circularity. . A Special Volume for the Journal of Cleaner Production on Sustainable Circularity is under development for which nearly 60 submissions have been received,  The programme included regular paper & poster sessions, workshops, special sessions, mini-roundtables and social events, including a welcome cocktail party, a conference dinner and party in the open air, and excursions. More information at .. The following keynotes were given:

Keynote Presentations:

  • The business case for sustainability, Dr. Paolo Taticchi, Imperial College, London, UK.
  • The Future of Sustainable Consumption and Production, Peter Glavic, Prof Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia
  • Process and Policies towards a Circular Economy Lead to Major Knowledge Questions Mr Robbert Droop, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Netherlands
  • The role of waste-to-energy, WTE in the circular economy, Prof Carlo Vandecasteele, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Regional circular economy models and best available technologies for biological streams, Prof Nicolas Mousiopoulos, Aristotle University, Greece
  • Sharing and sustainability: practices and potentialities, Prof Anna Davies, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Sustainable business models and sustainable consumption: exploring the role of business experimentation, Prof Nancy Bocken, Lund University, Sweden
  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles: prospects and critical issues, Dr Jaco Quist, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

General Assembly at ERSCP 2017 Skiathos Island, OCTOBER 3, 6.30-8.00 pm

The General Assembly took place during the ERSCP2017 on Skiathos Island, on October 3rd 6.30-7.30 pm. Reports were given on the activities by the board in 2015-2017 by the chair Prof Peter Glavic and on the costs and revenues of the same period by Dr Jaco Quist. Leaving board members by January 2017 are Prof Emeritus Peter Glavic, University of Maribor, Dr Sylvia Lorek, SERI Germany, and Prof Arnold Tukker, University of Leiden whose contributions were greatly acknowledged. New boards that were appointed by January 2018  are (1) Dr. Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, University of Maribor, Slovenia,  (2) Dr Frances Fahy, National University of Ireland, Galway, (3) Dr Frieder Rubik, German Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), and (4) as an early career candidate Dr Edurne Inigo, Wageningen University & Research. The following board members stay on the board : prof Anna Davies (Trinity College Dublin), Dr Annelise de Jong (Interactive Institute, Stockholm), prof Arne Remmen (Aalborg University), and Dr Jaco Quist (Delft University of Technology) who will become the chair during the next term. Minutes and presentations from the General Assembly will become available in the member section of the website later on.

17th ERSCP, 14-16 October 2014, Portorož, Slovenia

The 17th ERSCP took place, 14–16 October 2014, Portorož, Slovenia. The conference was entitled The Europe we want. The organising team is led by Rebeka Kovačič Lukman (University of Primorska, IAM, Slovenia), Peter Glavič (University of Maribor, Slovenia) and Bojana Žiberna (Nigrad Utilities). More than 150 participants attended and the conference resulted in a Special Volume “Sustainable Consumption and Production - Research, Experience, and Development – The Europe we want”, edited by Peter Glavič, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Angela Carpenter and Peter Virtič, in the Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 138, Part 2, Pages 139-298 (1 December 2016).

16th ERSCP & 7th EMSU, 4-7 June 2013, Bogazici Universit,y Istanbul, Turkey

Under the title ‘Bridges for a More Sustainable Future: Uniting Continents and Societies’, the local organising team was led by Dr Nilgün Ciliz of the Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center of Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, organised the joint 16th ERSCP & 7th EMSU, June 4-7, 2013.

15th ERSCP, 2012, Austrian Institute of Ecology, Bregenz, Austria.

The 15th ERSCP took place in Bregenz, a liveable and loveable city situated between Lake Constance and mountains and well known for its cultural standing and its recreational value’, under the title ‘SCP meets Industry.  It was organised by the Austrian Institute of Ecology. More information at (Conference) and at (Organiser). The organising team was led by Willi Sieber.

14th ERSCP & 6th EMSU Conference, 25-29 October 2010, Delft, Netherlands

Under the title ‘Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation the joint 14th ERSCP & 6th EMSU conference (ERSCP-EMSU 2010)  was organised by Delft University of Technology, TNO and The Hague University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with various international partners in Delft, the Netherlands. The local organisers included Arnold Tukker (TNO), Jaco Quist (TU Delft), Renee Wever (TU Delft) and Johan Woudstra (The Hague University of Applied Sciences, in collaboration with various others. There was a satellite conference in Cape Town, South Africa, coordinated by Nico Beute at Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town.

13th ERSCP, 8-10 June 2009, Aalborg University, Denmark

This ERSCP was entitled ‘Joint Actions on Climate Change’ and was combined with a GIN, the Greening of Industry Network Conference. It was organised by Aalborg University, Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark. The local organising team was coordinated by Arne Remmen and Henrik Riisgaard, both from Aalborg University.

12th ERSCP, September 2008, Berlin, Germany

Organised by FONA, the Sustainability program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FONA), Berlin, Germany, and was combined with the 5th BMBF Forum for Sustainability,

11th ERSCP, June 2007, Basel, Switzerland

Organised by the FHNW School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship, Basel, Switzerland.

10th ERSCP, October 2005, Antwerp, Belgium

Organised by the VITO (The Flemish Institute for Technological Research), Antwerp, Belgium.

9th ERSCP, May 2004, Bilbao, Spain

Organised by IHOBE (the Environmental Performance Agency of the Basque Government), Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain).

8th ERCP, October 2002, Cork, Ireland

Organised by CIT (Cork Institute of Technology – Clean Technology Centre), Cork, Ireland.

7th ERCP, May 2001, Lund, Sweden

Organised by the IIIEE (International Institute on Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University), Lund, Sweden.

6th ERCP, October 1999, Budapest, Hungary

Organised by the Hungarian Cleaner Production Centre, Budapest, Hungary.

5th ERCP, October 1998, Lisbon, Portugal

Organised by the INETI (The National Institute of Industrial Engineering and Technology), Lisbon, Portugal.

4th ERCP, October 1997, Oslo, Norway

Organised by the Technical Institute of Oslo, Norwegian Ministry of Environment and Norwegian EPA, Oslo, Norway.

3rd ERCP, October 1996, Kalundborg, Denmark

Organised by the County of Vestsjælland, Kalundborg Business Council, Society of Danish Engineers and Danish EPA, Kalundborg, Denmark.

2nd ERCP, October 1995, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Organised by the Erasmus University and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

1st ERCP, October 1994, Graz, Austria

Organised by the City of Graz and the Technical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.